The General Knowledge Olympiad serves to test participants' breadth and depth of knowledge across various subjects, including current affairs, history, geography, science, literature, and the arts. It aims to promote a well-rounded education and foster an interest in learning beyond the classroom. By encouraging students to explore diverse topics and stay informed about global events, the Olympiad helps develop critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and a deeper understanding of the world around them. Additionally, it provides a platform for students to showcase their knowledge and compete with peers on an international level.

NEO GROUP for (Class – I to V) 

There will be 45 MCQ's with single correct option. 
No negative marking. 
Time limit – 45 minutes 

SUPREME GROUP for (Class – VI to X) 

There will be 60 MCQ's with single correct option. 
No negative marking. 
Time limit – 60 minutes


Each MCQ question has only one correct answer. For Standard I to X, 4 marks will be awarded for each correct answer. No marks will be awarded for wrong answers. There is no negative marking for wrong answer.

G.S Olympiad Syllabus

CLASS - 1 : Animal, Body Part, Country, Dress, Fruit, Festival, Game, Dance, Vegetable, Matching, Important Date & Day, Mountain, Personality, Sport, Statement.
CLASS - 2 : Animal, Author, Body Part, Country,  Dress, Festival, Food Item. Game Vegetable, Important Date & Day, Relationship, Figure, Plant, Personality, Sport, Statement.
CLASS - 3 : Animal, Author & Book, Capital, City, Cricket, Air, Activity, Body Part, Country, Plant, Planet, Dance, Matching, Picture, River , State, Statement, Important Date & Day, Solar System.
 CLASS - 4 : Animal, Actor, Author, Anthem, Airport, Award, Atoms, Body Part, Book & Author, Bird, Country, City, Capital, Continent, Currency, Cricket, Dance, Designer, Game, Gas, Earth, Hill Station, Important Date & Day, Matching, Monument, Inventor, Temple, Satellite,
 CLASS - 5 : Airport, Author, Airline, Actress, Air Force, Acid,  Animal, Actor, Biology & Science, Body Part, Bird, Capital, Country, City, Continent, Cricket, Black hole, Earth, River, Star, State, Personality. Hill Station, Important Date& Day, Sport, Statement, Indian History, Universe.
CLASS - 6 : Author, Actress, Airport, Actor, Artist, Animal, Badminton, Currency, Country, Cricketer, City, Capital, Satellite, State, Singer, Hill Station, Inventor, Indian history, Personality, Music, River, Plant, Vitamin, Planet, Game, Festival, Figure, Important Date & Day, Matching, Statement.
 CLASS - 7 : Atom Bomb, Author, Award, Artists, Airport, Animal, Assertion, B.P, Boxer, Capital, Country, Cricket, Festival, Currency, Dance, Place, Plant, Inventor, Important Date & Day, Singer, Slogan, State , Statement. Sport, Game, River, Water, Earth, Indian History, Matching, Personality, Satellite, Train, Song, Vitamin,  
 CLASS - 8 : Airport, Article, Author, Animal, Abbreviation, Acid,  Bosporus, Bird, Buddhism, Black hole, City, Country, Currency, Continent, Cricket, Citizenship, Festival, Flag, Planet, River, Sport, Statement, Hill Station, State, Important Date & Day, Inventor, Vitamin, Matching, Personality, Official Language, Satellite, World history, Mountain, Metal, Slogan.
 CLASS - 9 : Adolf Hitler, Author, Article, All India Service, Anthem, Assertion-Reason, Atmosphere,  Atomic Plant, Bank, Bastille, Blood Group, Constitution, Country, Currency, Cricket, Park, Personality, Parliament, Novel Prize, Game, Element, Hill Station, Inventor, Important Date & Day, Continent, Lake, Matching, Moon, Indian history, High Court, Statement.
 CLASS - 10 : Article, Author, Award, Alcohol, Animal, Assertion-Reason, Blood Cell, Blood Group, B.P, Black Hole, Capital, Currency, Country, Consumer, Canal, Democracy, Game, Element, Inventor, Important Date & Day, Interpol, Matching, Official Language, Personality, Vitamin, River, State, Parliament, Mountain, Planet, Satellite, History, Statement.


Global Genius G.S Olympiad – Exam Date

To be updated soon.

Declaration of results of respective classes

To be updated Soon.

Declaration of National Ranks

To be updated Soon.

Declaration of Results and Prize List

To be updated Soon.

Student applying through schools can collect registration form from exam coordinator of the school by submitting Rs. 150 as registration fee. Schools may charge an additional Rs 30** per student towards honorarium of incharge, remuneration to teachers to teach and guide, and for other expenses.